dominus calendar series 1

"This historical fiction novel contains 2 stories of ancient Rome featuring characters from JP Kenwood's Dominus series. The stories are well-written and paint a vivid picture of ancient Roman times. The 2 main characters are engaging and interesting, and the sexual tension between them becomes obvious. The intimate scenes are also well-done, and are not overly dramatic. Readers will feel like you're experiencing life in ancient Rome as the author paints the picture well. I'm looking forward to reading the Dominus series."
Amazon reader
"This was simply beautiful. I am amazed by how easy this characters can put on a smile on my face and have me day dreaming for such a long time. I loved it."
Amazon reader
"It is great to get a taste of the fabulous world J.P. Kenwood has created in this wonderfully steamy and delightful novella that comprises two different short stories, both set at different times in the “Dominus” world. This is a prequel to that series but I would consider it is just a taste, sure it may be more beneficial to those who are already familiar with the world and characters but I feel it is easily enjoyable if you haven’t, it will probably pique your interest in the series, wanting to know more. The first story “February” is Gaius Fabius getting together with his best friend, Lucius Petronius, they rarely get to see each other and enjoy each other’s company. Gaius has his pleasure slave, Nicomedes, join them for an evening of pleasure. The second story “December” Lucius Petronius and his family, friends and household help is celebrating Saturnalia, nearing the end of the festivities Lucius invites his concubine Bryaxis back to his chambers for a steamy evening together. I enjoyed both stories, Ms. Kenwood is a gifted author and has a way with words, each story is well-written and plotted and contains an impressive amount of details. I am looking forward to visiting the Dominus world again for more action and steamy delightfulness. J.P. Kenwood thank you for this enjoyable delight of a novella."
Amazon reader
"This is a new to me author that I'm happy I found, and my first historical romance fantasy book. I was not prepared to be drawn in by Lucius and Bry and their beautiful relationship behind closed doors. The love, the secrecy, the stolen moments. I laughed. I ooh'd and aww'd . I loved it all start to finish! I enjoyed Gaius and Nic also, and look forward to more. I enjoyed the mini look at dynamics of both relationships."
Amazon reader
"February and December is a novella featuring some of the main characters in the Dominus series by JP Kenwood. As such it is probably best to read the two great Dominus books already published before reading this one. Like the Dominus books, this is an erotic m/m romp! Set in Roman times during the reign of Trajan,it mirrors the accepted (and unaccepted!) sexual mores of Roman society. It is sexually explicit through out and a page turner. You have been warned!"
Amazon reader
"When JP Kenwood says that something is going to be filthy, she delivers -- but she also delivers on the plot and the story that I’m coming to rely on when it comes to this particular author. I really enjoyed reading both of these stories, and I honestly can’t say which I enjoyed more. Lucius is probably my favorite character of the books (JP, darling, I resist the urge to give spoilers here), and it’s nice to see him in both stories.
We also get to see Nic, who I adore, and Bryaxis, while Lucius yet again defies the norm in favor of what he wants even as he does his duty.
These were beautifully written stories, with just enough of a balance between smut and story to keep me interested from start to finish. Readers shouldn’t fear the word ‘historical’ in association with the novella. There’s enough explanation to keep the reader understanding what’s going on without so much that the eyes glaze over with too much of it."
Amazon reader
"I love love this series and I adore these characters! It was absolutely amazing to read more stories about them. The first story is about Gaius and Lucius. I loved learning more about their history and their complicated relationship. I really like them together and Lucius is just so much fun. The second story is about Lucius and Bry. It was festive and fun and I could read a separate book with just the two of them. They are a favorite couple. I adored this book."
BookBub reader
"Oh...well....is it hot in here? Two steamy shorts with characters of the Dominus series, erotic but still very well embedded in a little story itself. If you want to get a glimpse at the authors writing, this is the way. The series itself is more storyoriented and I recommend it despite only two books of a five book series have been released so far (and they are with cliffhanger), but the style is the same. Also you'll appreciate the characters more, the more you know about them."
Goodreads reader
"The narrative is mouth-wateringly delicious, resonating with a large number of long-held fantasies harboured by a number of readers about friends, some in secret, others in the open, lending an authentic lilt to the story within. A delight to read as we all eagerly wait for the next volume in the series."
Goodreads reader