I’ve just finished a new draft chapter for final Book 4. Since the scene is set in Rome, I’m comfortable with the surroundings and structures and views. I rarely need to refer to a map for chapters set in the capital city.
However, the next chapter is set in Dacia, and since I’ve yet to visit this area of eastern Europe, I have to rely on maps (especially topographical maps) to get my bearings and to place the characters in appropriate locations for the plotty bits.

Screen shot of the interactive DARE map of the Roman World
Oh, how I love maps! I am a true cartophile, and I want to share one of many resources that help me navigate unfamiliar terrain as I pen the Dominus saga. The DARE map, run by Klokan Tech on GitHub is magnificent!! It’s based on maps of the ancient world developed by a team of historians and cartographers. Check it out for yourself, though fair warning: if you’re a map freak like me, you’ll ‘waste’ lots of time playing with the features and zooming around the Roman world.
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And I’ll be sending out another newsletter soon with a piece on the Dacian capital and fortress at Sarmizegethusa as well as a giveaway! If you haven’t signed up for our newsletter, here’s the link: https://www.subscribepage.com/jpkenwood.com